Become a Member
Becoming a member is quick and easy! Complete the form below and our membership coordinator will confirm your membership with you.
As of June 2024, we no longer have required dues to become a member of the Q Caucus. We have transitioned to a fundraising model and recommend an annual $25 contribution from faculty and a $10 contribution from MSW/PhD/DSW students and postdocs. We are currently ON PAUSE from accepting financial contributions as we transfer our financial systems. Please check back later and keep an eye out for updates to our membership via the listserv.
Additionally, no one will be turned away for not making a financial donation, and you are welcome to contribute for others. All contributions will go toward supporting Q Caucus events, scholarships for Q Caucus students who want to attend CSWE APM or SSWR, social media & online visibility, and swag (such as rainbow lanyards at upcoming conferences).
Members can snag Q Caucus swag at the annual CSWE APM and SSWR conferences and can also purchase Q Caucus merch (click here). These items are priced as low as the host site allows. Any "profits" (usually 1-5 cents per item) will go towards our student scholarship funds.